Price lists for kayaking activities Skopelos

Prices and links to our wide range of sea kayaking activities Skopelos.
Choose from day and sunset trips to expeditions and coaching.

Each item below links to the activity page where you can see a more detailed description.

We do offer discounts for group or family bookings and bookings of more than one activity.
Included in the prices is all the equipment needed for the activity and where we are out all day, a picnic lunch is also included.

Morning and Sunset trips include fresh lunch for our swim stop.
Prices for our sea kayaking holidays are not in this list because the options are endless and we offer prices on an individual basis.

The expedition price list does not include the cost of food when the quests choose to taverns. We split the cost between the group which usually works out at about 10€ – 15€ per person per day.

In the expedition description we have added a note on the ability levels each one is suited to. This is a guide. For further information feel free to contact us.

Our classroom courses, (first aid and coastal navigation & tidal planning) include tea, coffee, biscuits and cakes.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Kayak trips

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